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door buffer installation hiking gear orange acrylic discs thermometer indoor outdoor acrylic gu10 play workbench set clock wooden hooks metal handle portable bottle openers coat hangers sports car replica 14-18 mm leg caps markers shell shaped handles drill bits manual drill shotglas protective film acrylic
This is a stainless steel serving plate, it is usually bought in addition to our stainless steel cups.
It is corrosion resistant, high temperature resistant, wear-resistant, unbreakable and has no smell.
It is dishwasher safe.
Color: matte black
Dimensions: 18x8.5 cm, 10 mm height (small model on the photo)
Reference: WD1601823786
Brand: Wood and Tools
Reference: WD1594636887
Brand: Wood and Tools
Reference: WD1616762850
Brand: Wood and Tools
Reference: WD1660833100
Brand: Wood and Tools
Reference: WD1606132193
Brand: Wood and Tools
Reference: WD1626041493
Brand: Wood and Tools
Reference: WD1624483044
Brand: Wood and Tools
Reference: WD1615816776
Brand: Wood and Tools
Reference: WD1616762623
Brand: Wood and Tools
Reference: WD1626041593
Brand: Wood and Tools