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<p>These durable anti-scratch tube caps (plug-in caps), made of hard plastic are used as end caps for tubes, chairs and tables and the like for protection of the floors. These caps should be placed IN the tubes. Which one do you need? Download the sheet that shows the types, shapes and dimensions of our caps <a class="mars-link" target="_blank" href="/img/wtd_caps.pdf" rel="noreferrer noopener">here</a>.</p>
<p>These are chair or table leg caps (also known as floor sliders or tube end caps). They are mostly used to protect the floor. They also reduce noise when moving furniture. The caps are flexible and made of silicone rubber. The caps can be slightly stretched and need to be placed around the chair or table legs. Which one do you need? Download the sheet that shows the types, shapes and dimensions of our caps <a class="mars-link" target="_blank" href="/img/wtd_caps.pdf" rel="noreferrer noopener">here</a></p>